You Are Loved Is Available Now!

It’s official!

You Are Loved released today. This is one of the biggest milestones of my life, choosing to do something incredibly vulnerable for the sake of my heart.

After a chapter of my life that was filled with despair, I am now walking in a new chapter that involves teetering on the edge of despair while caring for my heart at the same time, even when I don’t feel Loved.

We don’t need to be seen to be loved.
We need to be seen to feel loved.
Love isn’t a feeling.
Love is.
You are Loved.
You are Loved.
You are Loved.
Loved is your name.
It always was.
Now it’s time to feel it…

— Caleb Quinn, You Are Loved

My book opens with this piece, one of the few pieces written especially for this book. (Most of the project is comprised of material sourced from other unfinished projects or from my personal notes, journal entries, and conversations with H.L.) I wrote this epigraph to open the book because it expresses what I have had to come to terms with in this past year. I have no way to prove if Love is even real, which in the past led me to believe that I couldn’t write, because I had to know for sure what was true first. Now I see that faith is not about certainty, but about embracing and making space for my own uncertainty while I choose to live like Love is true. And for me, faith is also about being dead honest that I know nothing for sure. It’s not about feeling a certain way. Which opens a huge door of freedom—if I don’t know for sure what’s true, I no longer have to torture myself looking for the answer. Instead of asking, “What should I believe?”, I get to ask a more helpful question: “How shall I go live?” And even if it turns out to be a sham in the end, I’d rather go live like Love was at the center of everything. It’s the closest thing to hope I have left.

It’s been a busy and exciting week, giving out copies of my book to people and challenging myself to embrace Love, even when I feel scared and vulnerable. You are Loved, just because, and Loved is your name, and mine. And I’ve given up on knowing that, or anything else, for sure. If Love is, we don’t need to feel a certain way for it to be true. Love just simply is. That is the hope I express in my book, something I want to put my faith in, every day for the rest of my life.

You Are Loved by Caleb Quinn is available online wherever books are sold.


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