Making Room for Pain

I’ve had a hard battle with depression for my entire adult life. And every time I think I’m rounding a corner, my hopes are dashed.

I think I’m honestly at one of the lowest points of my life. My mental health has diminished to the point that I am in suffering almost perpetually. Read more …

My Way

The light grows dimmer,
and all my soul can do is simmer,
because I wanted this my way.
A thousand souls to stay,
to show me I mean something.
Without them I mean nothing.
A thousand days to play.
Without them I will fray
into a thousand scattered fragments,
unless these all were just my figments
of meaning and value that lie elsewhere—
in the voice of the wind as I sit in my chair,
in the flowers that grow from my soul each day,
in finding that this Love was truly my way.