Caring for Our Needs

In my last post, I expressed in very honest terms the state of my mental health at this time. While most of the sentiments in that (rather scary) post still ring true on some level, there has been a subtle shift in the last several months. Read more …

Self-Imposition or Self-Expression?

I’ve been wrestling with this question a lot lately. How do we know the difference?

In a way, it’s sort of funny that I would conflate these two at all. Self-expression is a way of honoring ourselves, perhaps through art, or through saying what we really think or feel. Read more …

The Acceptance Game

I’m so tired of playing this game!

I do it with so many people who I know. How can I make myself more acceptable/presentable/appropriate/good/lovable? It’s a game that takes place mostly in the subconscious as we try to earn or maintain the favor of those around us. Read more …