Making Room for Pain

I’ve had a hard battle with depression for my entire adult life. And every time I think I’m rounding a corner, my hopes are dashed.

I think I’m honestly at one of the lowest points of my life. My mental health has diminished to the point that I am in suffering almost perpetually. Read more …

Self-Imposition or Self-Expression?

I’ve been wrestling with this question a lot lately. How do we know the difference?

In a way, it’s sort of funny that I would conflate these two at all. Self-expression is a way of honoring ourselves, perhaps through art, or through saying what we really think or feel. Read more …

The Acceptance Game

I’m so tired of playing this game!

I do it with so many people who I know. How can I make myself more acceptable/presentable/appropriate/good/lovable? It’s a game that takes place mostly in the subconscious as we try to earn or maintain the favor of those around us. Read more …