Caring for Our Needs

In my last post, I expressed in very honest terms the state of my mental health at this time. While most of the sentiments in that (rather scary) post still ring true on some level, there has been a subtle shift in the last several months. Read more …

Making Room for Pain

I’ve had a hard battle with depression for my entire adult life. And every time I think I’m rounding a corner, my hopes are dashed.

I think I’m honestly at one of the lowest points of my life. My mental health has diminished to the point that I am in suffering almost perpetually. Read more …

You’re a Beautiful Person

Everybody has stuff they’re afraid of. Some people are afraid of the dark. Others of heights. Others of sharks. Others of spiders. Others of tight spaces, or being alone, or not finding “the one,” or being overweight, or something else.

My biggest fear? Read more …

The Future of Winder Place

At the time of this writing, the Winder Place blog is not actually public yet. I’ve been writing content awhile in preparation for launching the website.

So if you’re reading this right now, that has changed. Winder Place has gone “live,” as they say. Read more …

Self-Imposition or Self-Expression?

I’ve been wrestling with this question a lot lately. How do we know the difference?

In a way, it’s sort of funny that I would conflate these two at all. Self-expression is a way of honoring ourselves, perhaps through art, or through saying what we really think or feel. Read more …

The Truth Heals

What if we adopted this as a postulate?

The truth heals. Yes, it can make us uncomfortable. Yes, it can be confusing or even frustrating at times. And yes, it can (and usually does) do tremendous damage to our favorite lies we cling to to keep ourselves “safe.” Read more …

A Poopy God?

I heard a story the other day that really touched me in a profound way. The story is told by Greg Boyd during a debate with Paul Copan on an episode of Premier Christian Radio’s “Unbelievable?” show. Greg tells a story about a little girl who was taken in at a foster home ministry that specializes in caring for children who have been removed from abusive homes. Read more …