You Are Loved Is Available Now!

It’s official!

You Are Loved released today. This is one of the biggest milestones of my life, choosing to do something incredibly vulnerable for the sake of my heart.

After a chapter of my life that was filled with despair, I am now walking in a new chapter that involves teetering on the edge of despair while caring for my heart at the same time, even when I don’t feel Loved. Read more …

My First Book Is Being Released!

I’ve been dreaming of this since I was five years old…

My very first book, You Are Loved, is slated for release on July 22! I am overwhelmed right now with a lot of happiness, anxiety, and expectation.

Winder Place was established back in 2019 as a vessel for me to express myself and publish the multiple dozen books I would like to write before the end of my life. Read more …

Making Room for Pain

I’ve had a hard battle with depression for my entire adult life. And every time I think I’m rounding a corner, my hopes are dashed.

I think I’m honestly at one of the lowest points of my life. My mental health has diminished to the point that I am in suffering almost perpetually. Read more …

Accepting Evolution

Last year was one of the most disorienting of my life. And while this was due to many reasons, I think at its core it was a year of asking Pontius Pilate’s infamous question: “What is truth?”

Ever since I met H.L. Read more …

The Truth Heals

What if we adopted this as a postulate?

The truth heals. Yes, it can make us uncomfortable. Yes, it can be confusing or even frustrating at times. And yes, it can (and usually does) do tremendous damage to our favorite lies we cling to to keep ourselves “safe.” Read more …