Terms of Use

Last updated May 13, 2021
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Welcome to Winder Place! We seek to create an accepting, kind, and safe place for everyone who comes here. Since we’re not living in a pain-free world, we do have some rules to help make Winder Place as safe and harmonious as possible. These are the official terms of use for all of Winder Place’s websites and services. You must agree to these terms of use if you want to be here. If you don’t agree to our terms, do not use our websites and services.

  1. Be kind. Be considerate to everyone you interact with on this website. We’re here to talk about life, healing, and sometimes, difficult subjects, but that doesn’t give anyone a license to attack people. And the same applies to us—we’ll do our very best to treat you with kindness and respect.
  2. Be honest. While we do in some cases respect the use of pseudonymous identities for the sake of preserving personal privacy, we do expect all persons communicating with us or contributing content to our websites and services to do so honestly. We expect the truth, spoken in love. We also expect all customers who may purchase products and services from us to do so in an honest and responsible manner, abiding by any established terms of purchase and providing payment in a timely manner as agreed. We reserve the right to (temporarily or permanently) deny service to any customer who fails to abide by this requirement.
  3. Be safe. Don’t engage in risky behavior on our websites. Don’t try to break (or break into) Winder Place. Don’t access the back end of WinderPlace.com if you are not authorized to do so. If you have an online account with us on any of our websites, use a strong password and keep your password safe. We disclaim any liability for what happens inside your account due to an insecure password.
  4. Be mature. We do not process the personal information of people under the age of sixteen (16) on any of our websites at this time. If we have good reason to believe that you are under the age of sixteen and have provided personal information to us, we will immediately delete all personal information we have about you and may take additional steps to prevent you from accessing our websites and services, if we deem it necessary. We may choose to do this with or without notice to you. If we have contact information for your parent or legal guardian, we may choose to notify them of the actions we have taken.
  5. Be respectful. Most of the content on our websites and services is copyrighted. Respect content ownership; do not try to copy or steal from us or anyone else. If you want to use content you don’t have ownership of, request permission and respect a “no” just as much as a “yes.” And we’ll do the same as well. If you believe we have infringed upon your copyright ownership in any way, email us at [content hidden; JavaScript is required] and we’ll take care of it right away.
  6. Be understanding. There is only so much that finite humans can do to live up to their promises. We will certainly do our best to offer our services in a reliable, secure, and effective manner and to always be true to our word, but we won’t always succeed. You must agree to be understanding in this respect and not to hold us liable for mishaps, blunders, and circumstances outside our control. We will not be able to effectively solve, monitor, avoid, or identify all problems or potential problems that could possible come up—you must be willing to accept that, and do so graciously.
  7. Be forewarned. The content you encounter through Winder Place may not always be to your liking. In fact, you may find it downright offensive. We likewise make no guarantees as to the accuracy, availability, or helpfulness of our content. We may choose to edit, add, or remove content at any time. If you contribute any content to Winder Place’s websites and services (perhaps in the form of a blog comment or post), or if you have any personal information stored on our websites and services, we may choose, at our discretion, to delete the content at any time and for any reason, inasmuch as we legally have the authority to do so. We also do not vouch for the safety, accuracy, availability, helpfulness, or value of third-party content that we link to, mention, or recommend. Be forewarned, and…
  8. Be responsible. We’ll do everything we can to make sure Winder Place is as safe, enjoyable, and operational as possible, but we’re not perfect, and things go wrong. You must agree that your decision to use our websites and services is ultimately at your own peril … for better or worse.

We also expect you to accept our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy as part of your acceptance of these terms. Both of those documents shall be considered to be incorporated into this one.

Any failure of Winder Place to enforce any provision of this policy should not be considered a nullification of that provision or any other provision of this policy.

If any part of our Terms of Use is found to be legally unenforceable, the rest of the document should be considered to remain in full force and effect to the greatest degree permissible by law.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [content hidden; JavaScript is required].

Acceptance Policy

We seek to create an environment where all people are not only welcome, but radically accepted for who they are. We understand that far too often, acceptance of others is stated in vague terms in order to create an “exclusive acceptance” that selectively chooses some people as worthy of acceptance and others as worthy only of general friendliness, or worse. Caleb does not agree with this idea. So he wishes to state plainly here that he personally accepts and affirms people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, biological sex, disability, or class. He also seeks to create environments where people of all religious and political backgrounds are welcome, but abusive ideas are confronted for what they are.

We may at times create content in partnership with others, including guest bloggers, collaborators, authors, and other friends. While we generally aim to partner with people who share Winder Place’s core values of acceptance, we realize that in our polarized world in which all people are only partway down their road of healing, not all of these people may share the same perspectives and attitudes about acceptance as Winder Place officially does. We also feel that refusing to partner with people due to their beliefs could in some cases be unethical or uncalled for and in other cases be the most responsible thing we could do. So with this considered, we not only expect but require all content from our partners that is formally published on Winder Place’s websites and services or as a book or media offering by Winder Place to reflect our policy of acceptance towards people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, biological sex, disability, or class, regardless of the partner’s own biases. And as much as possible, we try to partner with people who have healed from or are making serious headway in their process of healing from these biases. We do not, however, ask our partners to modify their beliefs in order to publish content with us, even if beliefs may be an important factor in our decision on whether or not their content will enrich what Winder Place offers and will be worth publishing. We also realize that not all resources we recommend or link to will reflect our policy of radical acceptance. We ask you to use discernment when viewing external resources outside of Winder Place, as we are not always able to vet them completely or guarantee that they will not change, will not contain content that is offensive or problematic, or will not be objectionable in some other manner.

While we hope that these Terms of Use, along with (most importantly) a healthy dose of love, will foster an atmosphere of acceptance amongst our visitors, we understand that at times Caleb himself (and his partners, guest bloggers, and other Winder Place friends) may fail in this regard. Caleb himself is still not finished healing from his own biases, and he is painfully aware that he may be unaware at times of how his own words, actions, and choices affect people different from himself. If we’ve failed in any way to create a space that affirms your value, please connect right away to let us know.

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