
How often is the newsletter sent out?

The newsletter does not come out on a set schedule. Caleb feels that it is better to send a message when there is actually something he wants to say; keeping things regular isn’t quite as important.

How do I subscribe to blog updates?

Blog updates are included as part of the Winder Place newsletter. At present, we don’t send out email notifications for every blog post. Instead, links to the latest blog updates will be included at the bottom of every newsletter update, and you can choose from there which ones you want to read. This is our way of consolidating our communications with you and giving you the freedom to only read the posts that interest you most. Monetizing your attention is not a part of our ethos or our business model, so we have no reason to keep ourselves front and center in your inbox.

To subscribe to the newsletter, fill out the form on this page.

If you have any feedback about the newsletter or our approach with this, please reach out.

There’s something wrong with the website.

We really want to know! Send an email to us at [content hidden; JavaScript is required] so we can fix the problem ASAP.

I found a typo!

Ooooooh! Send an email to [content hidden; JavaScript is required] and let somebody know! Caleb is a fanatical grammarian and he can’t stand typos!

I have another problem. Who do I contact?

Email [content hidden; JavaScript is required] with your inquiry. We’ll be happy to help. If you’re just looking to connect with Caleb, there are lots of other options on the Connect page.