Privacy Policy

Last updated October 21, 2022
View revision history

This document explains what Winder Place does to protect your privacy when we acquire your personal information. It applies to anyone who uses our websites or engages with our services, and also applies to anyone else whose personal information we store or process.

This document doesn’t apply to communication, correspondence, or interactions with Caleb Quinn (or anyone he may partner with) that are of a purely personal nature. It also may not apply to individuals with whom Winder Place has made a separate privacy agreement (e.g. partners, employees, etc.).

By using the websites and services provided by Winder Place, you agree to our collection and use of your information as documented in this policy, and you also agree to our Terms of Use.

Table of Contents

  1. Who is Winder Place?
  2. What is the Winder Place family of websites?
  3. What is personal information?
  4. What personal information does Winder Place collect, and why?
  5. Does Winder Place collect sensitive personal information?
  6. Who has access to my personal information?
  7. Where is my personal information stored?
  8. How long does Winder Place retain personal information?
  9. Does Winder Place benefit commercially from using my personal information?
  10. Does Winder Place sell my personal information?
  11. Does Winder Place discriminate against people on the basis of personal information?
  12. Does Winder Place track or profile me?
  13. What cookies and other local storage does Winder Place utilize on its websites?
  14. How does Winder Place give me choice and control over my personal information?
  15. How can I opt out of marketing communications from Winder Place?
  16. What does Winder Place do to protect the security and integrity of personal information?
  17. What does Winder Place do in the event of a personal information breach?
  18. How does Winder Place handle personal information from minors?
  19. Are there exceptions to the Privacy Policy?
  20. How does Winder Place notify me of changes to the Privacy Policy?
  21. Who do I contact if I have questions or privacy concerns?
  22. Revision history

1. Who is Winder Place?

Winder Place is the name Caleb Quinn has given to the creative, story-telling part of his heart. Everything Winder Place is and does is meant to be an expression of this very special part of Caleb’s heart.

Officially, Winder Place represents the various projects and creative pursuits that Caleb chooses to create, orchestrate, or publish under that name, whether by himself or in partnership with others.

Caleb Quinn currently resides in and is a citizen of the United States.

2. What is the Winder Place family of websites?

The Winder Place family of websites are a collective of websites run by Winder Place and covered by this Privacy Policy. The Winder Place family of websites currently consists of the following:

Winder Place may add other websites to its collection in the future, which will be included on this list as soon as they are made publicly available.

3. What is personal information?

Personal information is any information that serves to identify you or your household, whether directly (e.g. your name) or indirectly (e.g. your IP address, which could be used to try to determine who you might be). It also includes any other data that, while not personal on its own, becomes personal information because it is stored or connected with other data that is personal.

Personal information doesn’t include anonymized or aggregated data that can’t be connected to a specific person or household.

4. What personal information does Winder Place collect, and why?

Winder Place collects your personal information in order to enable your activities on the Winder Place family of websites, to process your requests, to provide services you have elected to receive, to connect with you when you have opted to receive communications from us, and for other purposes described in detail below. Except where it is uncalled for, unreasonable, or technically infeasible to do so, or where collection of personal information is to be clearly assumed, Winder Place will always alert you to the categories of personal information we collect at the moment of such collection. This section contains a complete list of all the personal information Winder Place might collect from you. The information we collect from you varies depending on which features and services you use.

Personal information you give to us

At times, we will invite you to provide personal information to us through forms (such as contact forms and comment forms), surveys, games, quizzes, and activities, written or verbal correspondence, menus (such as options menus), file uploads, by mail, phone, or text message, or by other means of communication or interaction. You have choice and control over which of this personal information you give to us. We may invite you to share personal information with us, but what information you share is ultimately up to you. Winder Place does its best not to discriminate against visitors and customers on the basis of their willingness to provide personal information; however, you may not be able to use some services we offer if the personal information we ask for is required for the function of the service. The following types of personal information are opt-in—they are always collected with your informed, active consent at the time such information is needed to provide whatever service or function you are trying to access:

  • Your name. We may use your name to personalize your experience with our websites and to refer to you by name in newsletters and any correspondence we may have with you. Your name is publicly posted with the comments you leave on our sites. Also, if you are buying any product or media directly from us, we will need your first and last name to make sure orders are billed and shipped to you properly. We will also need your name to set up your account if we invite you to be a contributor, editor, or administrator.
  • Your email address. We use your email address to deliver important alerts and notices (such as updates to our policies), send receipts, invoices, and order information, send any newsletters or other communications you have opted to receive, and to respond to messages you send us via contact form, email, or other means. We also use your email address as an internal identifier to keep track of your personal information, making it easier to comply with your requests to transfer, update, or delete your data, or in some cases, as an identifier for your account if you are given one. We will never, ever send you spam.
  • Your account passwords. If you have any kind of password-protected account with us, the password you provide to us will be considered personal information. We use any passwords you provide (or that we assign to you) in order to secure your account.
  • Your website address. You may have the option to include your website address in public blog comments and elsewhere if you would like. A moderator may choose to remove your web address from your public comment for any reason or no reason at all, with or without notice to you.
  • Your shipping and billing addresses. At present, Winder Place distributes most of its product through retail partners. However, in some cases we may choose to take orders directly. In these cases we will use the shipping and billing address you provide to fulfill any orders we receive.
  • Your phone number. We will only use your phone number to contact you for whatever purposes we are invited or directed to do so.
  • Your website preferences. Any configuration options you select on any of the websites or other online services we offer may be considered personal information.
  • Your comments. Anything you include in the body of a blog comment will be displayed publicly on the corresponding blog post and possibly on other areas of our websites, including in any RSS feeds we may have. Winder Place will delete your comments on request, but once information (such as a comment) has been made publicly available on the internet, it is common for it to get copied by bots, search engines, and other third parties onto other websites. Winder Place has little control over your personal information once it has been made public, so please be careful about what you choose to share with others in public blog comments. Whatever information you share in a blog comment, regardless of how personal or sensitive, is ultimately your choice to risk including.
  • Your form entries. If you share information with us through a contact form, support form, survey form, or other form, you are consenting to share with us whatever personal information may be in that form to use, store, and process for the purposes indicated at the time of collection.
  • Your guestbook entries. If you are logged in to a account when you fill out our guestbook, any information you provide will be filed under your account ID. Unless you are a guest blogger, editor, administrator, or other Winder Place partner you will likely not have an account with us. Guestbook entries from visitors without an account (the vast majority of people) will be anonymous when posted.
  • Your email messages. By sending us an email message, you’re agreeing to let us read and act upon any personal information that may be contained therein.
  • File uploads and attachments, and all associated metadata. You may be asked to upload a file to one of our websites or online services, or perhaps to send a file to us as an email attachment in order for us to provide a service to you. These files and associated metadata may constitute personal information. In some cases, file uploads may be available to members of the public when they visit our websites. If you upload or send image files that include embedded location metadata, we will be able to see and access this data which consists of precise coordinates for where the picture was taken. Like all the personal information you share with Winder Place, we will treat this data with the utmost care and give you complete choice and control; however, when you share information with the public, including location metadata that you may have shared on accident, it may be difficult for us to reverse your actions. We will strip location data from photos you give us when we are able to do so and if we deem it necessary. We will also attempt to warn you before you upload files to public areas of our websites.
  • Survey and quiz data. Winder Place may host surveys, quizzes, and similar activities on its websites. If you participate in these, we may collect information about you as you answer the questions, some of which information may qualify as personal information. If the results of a survey or quiz are posted publicly, they will only be done so with your consent or if all personal information has been removed and the results have been put into an anonymized, aggregated format.
  • Game data. Winder Place may host various games and fun activities on its websites. Some of these games may ask for information personally connected with you in order to customize your experience and offer the service to you. Some of the actions you take during gameplay may be considered personal information.
  • Sensitive personal information. This is a category of personal information that we treat with special care. It includes information about your religious, philosophical, or political opinions and affiliations, as well as information about your race, ethnicity, physical or genetic makeup, sexuality, sexual orientation, sexual habits, sexual health, physical or mental health, emotional health, and criminal history or criminal allegations, among other things. Full details on how we handle sensitive personal information are covered in a separate section of this document.
  • Postal mail and packages. If you send something to us at our mailing address, we will receive whatever items (and personal information) may be in or on the shipment.
  • Additional information you provide to us. You may choose to provide us with additional information that may also be considered personal.

You can opt out of the collection and use of the aforementioned types of personal information by simply not supplying it to us, or if you already have, by contacting us and asking us to transfer or remove the personal information in question. Some sections of our websites and online services may give you the ability to modify or remove personal information yourself as well.

Personal information we assign to you

We may at times assign identifiers, passcodes, or other data to you that become part of your personal information. This is necessary and in your best interest as otherwise we would be unable to provide our services to you. Since this information is generated by us rather than collected from you directly, we may not always ask for consent for storing and using this information. However, we still attempt to give you some level of choice and control over how this personal information is used by honoring requests to update, transfer, or delete this information to whatever extent such requests are reasonable, possible, and do not interfere with the functional operation of our websites or the provision of our services to you and to others. The following types of personal information are assigned to you in this manner:

  • Your username. You may be assigned a username by the system administrator in the event that you are invited to access certain website features (e.g. as a guest blogger). This is necessary to provide such access.
  • Temporary passwords. We may in some cases assign you a temporary password with the expectation that you will log in and replace it with a password of your own choosing. This is necessary to secure your account.
  • Access codes. Some features and content on our websites may be available only to select users with access codes. Unique per-person access codes will qualify as personal information from the moment they are specifically connected with you.
  • Game data. Winder Place may host various games and fun activities on its websites. Some of the data generated by these games, such as game progress, game achievements, and game profiles, may potentially qualify as personal information and is assigned to you as you play. This is necessary for the games to function as intended and expected.
  • Information about how, where, and when your personal information is collected, how it is processed, who helps us process it, and how it is shared. In some cases we will generate additional information that will accompany personal information you give to us, which helps us keep a history of how your personal information is being handled. We do this to maintain personal accountability to you and in some cases to meet our obligations under the law. Any such information we generate or acquire is considered an extension of your personal information, and you are allowed to see, know, access, or acquire this information upon request. Requests to modify or delete this information will rarely be honored, as otherwise it would be impossible for us to adhere to our record-keeping obligations in some situations and in some cases may be technically infeasible.
  • Records of consent. We keep records of each time you opt in to share your personal information with us. Creating records of your consent is necessary for us to demonstrate that we are processing your data according to your wishes. This information may at times be considered an extension of your personal information, and you are allowed to see, know, access, or acquire this information upon request. Requests to modify or delete this information will rarely be honored, as otherwise it would be impossible for us to adhere to our record-keeping obligations in some situations and in some cases may be technically infeasible.
  • Cookies. A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer by a website as a way to track and preserve your preferences or other information as you navigate across the pages of a website and when you make returning visits. Cookies are not harmful and are often necessary to the functionality of a website. Winder Place may create cookies on your computer to keep track of what your personal preferences are for certain features or choices on our websites and to keep track of auto-fill information, login information, and (if you are a blog contributor, editor, or administrator) information about the blog posts you write and edit and the actions you take on the back end. Some of these cookies will not be created until you agree to their use, and others are created automatically without explicit consent. You will always be asked for consent on any cookie that is not specifically essential for the functional and secure operation of our websites or is not specifically required to carry out your requests and actions on our websites. Winder Place never uses third-party cookies on its websites without your explicit, informed consent, and we never use cookies for tracking, analytics, marketing, or advertising purposes. You can opt out of all cookies by choosing to block all cookies by default in your web browser’s settings; however, many websites on the internet, including Winder Place’s websites, may not work properly or may exhibit unexpected behaviors. For more information about the cookies Winder Place uses, please read our Cookie Policy.

Personal information we collect automatically

Winder Place collects some personal information through automated means, and not always with express consent. This is in your best interest and in ours as it is necessary for us to offer our services and ensure the integrity, security, and usability of our websites. The following types of personal information are opt-out—they are collected automatically unless you choose not to engage the service or activity that may require such data:

  • Your IP address. An IP address is typically a four-byte number used to identify your computer or network on the web. We collect this information automatically when you subscribe to one of our newsletters, leave a comment on the blog, or log into an account you have with us. We also collect this information in our server log files, as mentioned below. Collecting this identifier helps us protect the security of our websites, protect against spam, and prove that we received your consent when you sign up to receive our newsletters.
  • Information about which web browser and operating system you use. When you leave a comment on the blog or log into an account you have with us, we automatically collect a “user-agent” text string that can be used to determine what web browser and operating system you are using to access our website. We also collect this information in our server log files, as mentioned below. Collecting this identifying information helps us protect the security of our websites and protect against spam.
  • Login timestamps. If you have an account with us, we will keep a record of some of the dates and times you log in. This is necessary to protect the security of our websites and services.
  • Log files. The web server that hosts Winder Place’s websites automatically records information about your computer in the form of server log files whenever you request a webpage or web resource from a Winder Place website. This information includes your IP address, a “user-agent” text string that can be used to determine what web browser and operating system you are using to access the site, a timestamp containing the date and time of your site access, the URL that referred you to the Winder Place webpage you requested (this URL could include the keywords you were searching for when you found our website), in some cases, the URL you use to exit the Winder Place webpage (when applicable), your movement across the webpages on Winder Place’s sites, and possibly information about your Internet Service Provider (ISP). This is a standard configuration across the internet and is necessary in order to process your web requests and maintain the security of the server. You cannot opt out of any of this data collection except by refraining from using or engaging with Winder Place’s websites and online services.

Personal information others give to us

Winder Place may have a presence on other websites outside of the Winder Place family of websites. This may include book-selling websites, online payments websites, social media sites, and other membership-based websites that handle your personal information (and ours) in accordance with their own privacy policies. To whatever extent this personal information makes its way into our own systems, it will be governed by this Privacy Policy as well.

Winder Place doesn’t usually receive personal information on users of third-party websites except by consent or where it is clearly implied that we will need such information to offer a service to you. However, if for some reason we come into the possession of any such personal information without your prior knowledge, we will make an effort to contact you to let you know of our acquisition of your information and we will let you know about any applicable privileges you may or may not have, as explained in this Privacy Policy, to access, update, transfer, or delete your information, assuming it is legally appropriate and technically feasible or would be deemed welcome and considerate to notify you in this manner. We will generally send this notification to you within one month, usually sooner.

5. Does Winder Place collect sensitive personal information?

Sensitive personal information is a category of personal information that we treat with special care. Sensitive personal information can include (but includes more than) the following:

  • Your religious and spiritual beliefs and philosophical opinions
  • Your political positions, opinions, and affiliations
  • Your race and ethnicity
  • Information about your physical health and well-being and any physical conditions you may have
  • Genetic information
  • Biometric information
  • Information about your sexuality, sexual habits, sexual health, and sexual history
  • Your sexual orientation
  • Information about your mental and emotional health and any mental health conditions you may have
  • Your criminal history and any criminal charges or allegations that have been held against you

Winder Place does not collect any sensitive personal information from you without explicit consent, and will never, ever ask you for genetic, biometric, criminal, or health data except in rare cases when you are under our employment. We may also receive sensitive personal information if you voluntarily choose to share it of your own accord. This might happen if you choose to tell us about something of a sensitive nature in email correspondence or share such data publicly in a blog comment. Any sensitive information you share, whether publicly or privately, still ultimately belongs to you, and Winder Place will update, transfer, or delete your data if asked to do so. However, once information has been shared publicly, it may not be feasible for Winder Place to prevent other people on the internet from using, copying, or transferring your data. You understand that any sensitive information you share publicly is shared entirely at your own risk, and while we will do our best to assist you in maintaining control over your data, our ability to do so will be limited in these situations.

When you share sensitive information with Winder Place on a private basis, such as in an email communication or through a contact form submission, Winder Place will maintain the confidentiality of such information to whatever degree it is feasible for us to do so unless legally or morally obligated otherwise. We also may encrypt some sensitive information depending on the scope and nature of the data and whether it is feasible for us to do so or is publicly available elsewhere. Please understand that if you share your sensitive personal information with us through an unencrypted channel, your data will not be encrypted until it is received by Winder Place, and may not be encrypted at all if we feel that such data does not warrant encryption. Regardless, we will take every precaution we can to ensure your sensitive personal information is protected, whether by access controls, encryption, or by other means.

If you send us sensitive personal information via postal mail or package delivery, we will do our best to make sure that any sensitive personal information therein is not accessible to anyone besides Winder Place or its intended recipient.

The information contained in this section may not apply to email messages or postal mail sent personally and deliberately to Caleb outside of the context of Winder Place’s official business.

6. Who has access to my personal information?

At present, Winder Place itself is run solely by Caleb Quinn. We work with Cloudways to host this website on their servers. We work with MailPoet, owned by Automattic, to provide our newsletters, email lists, and many of the email notifications we send. We use Proton to handle our other email messaging needs, which includes our personal correspondence with you. All of these companies may have other companies they partner with to make their services possible. We are careful to only work with companies and individuals we can trust to provide services to us that will be consistent with the standards set forth in this Privacy Policy.

As much as possible, we try to limit the number of third parties who are granted access to or are given the opportunity to collect your personal information (for example, by providing links to external content instead of embedding content directly into our webpages). All of the third parties we work with process personal information in accordance with high data protection standards.

We may from time-to-time hire additional contractors to help us with projects, most of which will not involve your personal information in any respect. Exceptions would include, for example, hiring someone to perform a security audit on Winder Place’s websites or hiring an author, editor, moderator, or administrator to help us create content and manage some aspect of Winder Place or to offer more services to you. In all cases in which personal information is made accessible to such third parties, great care will be taken to ensure that your personal information is protected to the same extent as before and always in compliance with this policy. We only work with trustworthy people and employ contractual measures and access controls to ensure that your personal information remains safe at all times.

7. Where is my personal information stored?

Your personal information is stored primarily on systems in the United States and Switzerland, but may also be stored in other countries as well. All third parties that we work with that handle your personal information (e.g. our web hosting service) process and store it in accordance with their own privacy standards, and we only partner with third parties whose privacy standards we trust to match ours. Your personal information is always treated in accordance with high data protection standards.

8. How long does Winder Place retain personal information?

This section constitutes our Data Retention Policy.

We only retain personal information for whatever amount of time we actually need it, and afterwards it is either anonymized or discarded. Personal information is considered no longer necessary to keep when it no longer serves the purposes for which it was originally collected or generated. An exception to this would be if we are legally compelled to retain personal information for a specified time.

9. Does Winder Place benefit commercially from using my personal information?

If you sign up for the Winder Place newsletter, we will use the name and email address you provide to send out newsletter updates, which may include thoughtfully-placed marketing communications to let you know about the books and media products and services we create. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by simply clicking the unsubscribe link in the bottom of one of our newsletter messages. In the event that you decide to purchase one of the media products or services we create, we will (of course) financially benefit from the sale.

10. Does Winder Place sell my personal information?

No. Winder Place will never sell your personal information to anyone under any circumstances, and at no time have we ever done so. We also will not share (and never have shared) your personal information with any third party that sells personal information. We may however transfer your personal information in the event of a business reorganization or transfer of business ownership. If we have your email address, we will attempt to notify you about the transfer and give you a chance to ask us to delete your personal information before such a transfer occurs, if possible.

11. Does Winder Place discriminate against people on the basis of personal information?

We generally try to avoid this at all costs. However, if we have reason to believe, based on your personal information, that you have harmful or malignant intent for using our websites or services, or if we learn that you are not in a locale or age range we can legally serve, or if we have good reason to believe that you are acting in violation of our Terms of Use, we may at our discretion choose to deny you access to portions of or the entirety of our websites and services. We may choose to delete some or all of your personal information as well.

As a matter of policy, we do not currently serve anyone under the age of sixteen (16) on our websites due to the sensitivity of handling the personal information of younger people. We may, at our discretion, choose to delete your personal information from our websites, with or without notice to you, if we have good reason to believe that you are under the age of sixteen.

We absolutely do not deny people access to our websites and services (or the privilege of fair, courteous, and equal treatment) on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or class. Winder Place seeks to create an environment where all people are not only welcome, but radically accepted for who they are, as mentioned in our Terms of Use.

12. Does Winder Place track or profile me?

This section constitutes our Tracking and Analytics Policy.

Caleb Quinn is an advocate for less tracking, profiling, and ad-serving on the internet, and as such, he has deliberately set up the Winder Place websites to only generate web traffic statistics in an anonymized, aggregated format that does not include personal information. We do not attempt to combine personal information you give us to try to profile you or track your activities, and we don’t attempt to use your personal information to identify you beyond the ways you have already identified yourself or beyond what is strictly necessary for the security of the websites and services.

The server that hosts our websites does generate log files (whenever you request a webpage or resource from a Winder Place site) containing your IP address, a “user-agent” text string that can be used to determine what web browser and operating system you are using to access the site, a timestamp containing the date and time of your site access, the URL that referred you to the Winder Place webpage you requested (this URL could include the keywords you were searching for when you found our website), in some cases, the URL you use to exit the Winder Place webpage (when applicable), your movement across the webpages on Winder Place’s sites, and possibly information about your Internet Service Provider (ISP). This is a standard configuration across the internet and is necessary in order to process your web requests and maintain the security of the server. We do not use this information to track or profile you.

Does Winder Place honor the Do Not Track option in my browser settings?

Yes, we do! If you enable the Do Not Track option in your browser settings, your activity across Winder Place’s websites will not even be included in the automatically-generated, anonymized/aggregated web analytics data we use.

How do I prevent Winder Place from tracking me at all, even anonymously?

Your movement across Winder Place’s websites will always be included in our server log files. To avoid this, you must refrain from using our websites and services. However, the server log files themselves are not used by Winder Place for analytics or tracking purposes.

Our analytics software respects the Do Not Track option in your browser settings. If you do not want to be tracked at all (even anonymously), please enable the Do Not Track option in your browser settings.

For more information on how to control what Winder Place tracks about you, and to learn how to enable the Do Not Track option in your browser settings, please visit our Do Not Track page.

13. What cookies and other local storage does Winder Place utilize on its websites?

Please see our Cookie Policy for this information.

14. How does Winder Place give me choice and control over my personal information?

To whatever extent is possible for us to do so, we grant all persons whose personal information is used, processed, or stored by Winder Place the following privileges:

  • Access to personal information. We will answer questions about and give you copies of the personal information we have about you, either in a digital or physical format, upon request. We will also include any information we have about how your personal information has been used or shared. We will do so free of charge.
  • Modification or correction of personal information. We will update, modify, or correct your personal information upon request, as quickly as we possibly can.
  • Restriction of personal information. We will restrict (“freeze”) any and all processing of your personal information upon request if you have sufficient legal grounds for us doing so or if you need us to do so temporarily while we update your personal information or queue it for potential deletion.
  • Transfer of personal information. We will transfer your personal information to another person or entity upon your request. We will provide it in a portable, easy-to-use format.
  • Total erasure of personal information. We will delete or totally erase your personal information upon request if our original reasons for collecting said information are no longer relevant, if your original consent for the collection and use of said information no longer applies, if we are legally compelled to do so, if we have no legal obligations to the contrary, and if such deletion would not interfere with any person’s (including our own) fundamental right to self-expression and freedom of information. We will completely remove your personal information from our systems, and to whatever extent we are able and have the legal capacity to do so, we will also remove your personal information from the systems of any third parties who process it on our behalf. We will also, to the extent reasonably possible and legally justified, contact all third parties who we may have shared your personal information with to let them know of your desire to have the personal information erased. We will not only destroy your personal information, but also (to whatever extent feasible) any linked data we may have that could suggest your past presence on our websites and services. In other words, we will not only make sure your personal information is deleted, we will also seek to make your presence forgotten from all records. Please understand that in some cases, it may not be feasible to compel our third-party service providers (e.g. our web host) to erase all traces of your personal information that may remain on backup drives and in other places on the server. Please also understand that if the personal information in question was posted publicly (e.g. in a blog comment), we have no control over whether others on the internet may have copied the information elsewhere, and thus can make no guarantees as to the total erasure of your information.
  • Objection to the way in which personal information is being used. If you don’t like the way Winder Place is using your personal information, you can object. We may or may not honor your request, depending on what our legal obligations are, but we try to honor requests to the maximum extent it is feasible and reasonable for us to do so.
  • Objection to computer-based decisions. If you feel that a computer-based decision is unfair (e.g. your blog comment shouldn’t have been automatically removed without human moderation), you have the privilege to make your case to an actual human.

To exercise these privileges, please contact Winder Place’s official data and privacy protection contact at [content hidden; JavaScript is required] with your request. We will respond to all reasonable requests within thirty (30) days. If necessary, we will request identity verification to make sure we are not giving your personal information to the wrong person. If you are making a request on behalf of someone else, we will need written consent from them and identity verification from both of you before we can continue.

We can never honor requests that would violate the rights or privacy of other individuals. If any of your personal information is considered “overlapping” personal information (meaning it is a part of another person’s personal information or their personal information is a part of yours), we may not always be able to honor your requests (or theirs) to the fullest extent without written permission from all parties involved.

Winder Place may object to requests you make for other reasons, for example, to uphold our legal obligations, to protect someone’s safety, or to maintain the functional and secure operation of our websites and services. Please keep in mind that the extent to which we are legally obligated to comply with any privacy requests is heavily dependent on the jurisdiction in which you live. If your request is unreasonable or would cause undue hardship, we reserve the right to deny or partially deny your request unless we are legally compelled to do otherwise.

For some requests, you do not need to contact us at all. For example, to unsubscribe from a Winder Place newsletter, you can click the unsubscribe link in the footer of any newsletter message to unsubscribe.

We seek to go above and beyond in caring for our visitors. If you have any specific questions or needs outside of the privileges we grant to you here, reach out to us and we will see what we are able to do.

15. How can I opt out of marketing communications from Winder Place?

You can opt out of any of our newsletters or email subscriptions by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of a newsletter or subscription message you have received from us. These requests are processed almost immediately by the system. You can also ask us to remove you from all marketing communications by emailing [content hidden; JavaScript is required] with your request. We will honor these requests within ten (10) days, usually much sooner.

This will not prevent us from sending you other non-marketing communications when necessary, for example, to send you a receipt or invoice or an important legal notification.

16. What does Winder Place do to protect the security and integrity of personal information?

We employ several measures to find and avoid security failures, prevent breaches of personal information, maintain confidentiality, and to make sure your personal information stays safe:

  • All personal information stored on portable devices is encrypted.
  • All email messages you send to a address are stored with zero access encryption.
  • Your connection to our website is encrypted with SSL by default.
  • All administrator accounts on Winder Place’s websites adhere to strict password requirements or equivalent access controls.
  • All website software is updated regularly.
  • We design our websites and services to minimize the collection and use of unnecessary personal information, and we adhere to a Data Retention Policy that prevents us from storing personal information longer than needed.
  • We have plans and procedures in place for maintaining information security and dealing with security incidents when they occur. When necessary, we conduct training to make sure these plans and procedures are followed.
  • We keep logs of all security incidents that affect Winder Place.
  • We have a Data Breach Remedy Policy in place in the event of a personal information breach.
  • Our web hosting provider takes appropriate efforts to keep their services secure, and we use appropriate configuration options to ensure that the websites we manage are secure and private. Our own systems are also secure, employing malware protection, firewalls, and other protections as needed.
  • We regularly reassess our personal information protection standards, both on a periodic schedule and when otherwise necessary, to keep them up-to-date.
  • All personal information is either erased or destroyed whenever we dispose of, decommission, or transfer ownership of a device containing said information.

17. What does Winder Place do in the event of a personal information breach?

If your private personal information was affected (or potentially affected) by a data breach, we will notify you as soon as we possibly can, and always within thirty (30) days. An exception would be if we do not have or cannot obtain your contact information. We will also report the information breach to any applicable authorities in accordance with our legal obligations.

We will do everything in our power to remedy personal information breaches when they occur, including a complete reevaluation of our security policies.

18. How does Winder Place handle personal information from minors?

At present, Winder Place does not collect the personal information of minors as a matter of policy, unless they are sixteen (16) or older. If we have good reason to believe that you are under the age of sixteen and have provided personal information to us in breach of our Terms of Use, we will immediately delete all personal information we have about you and may take additional steps to prevent you from accessing our websites and services, if we deem it necessary. We may choose to do this with or without notice to you. If we have contact information for your parent or legal guardian, we will notify them of the actions we have taken.

If you are a minor sixteen or older, you are afforded the same privileges as our other users, including the ability to request removal of your content and personal information.

19. Are there exceptions to the Privacy Policy?

We will only violate our own Privacy Policy in emergency situations that threaten someone’s life, safety, or health. The Privacy Policy also does not apply to communication, correspondence, or interactions with Caleb Quinn (or anyone he may partner with) that are of a purely personal nature. It also may not apply to individuals with whom Winder Place has made a separate privacy agreement (e.g. partners, employees, etc.).

20. How does Winder Place notify me of changes to the Privacy Policy?

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. We will notify you of such changes by publishing a notification on and on our official Privacy Policy page ( before the changes go into effect. It is your responsibility to check our website and inform yourself of these changes. If you are subscribed to any of our newsletters or if you have any kind of active account with us, we will also notify you via email.

We generally won’t notify you about changes of a purely cosmetic nature (e.g. correcting a typo), formatting changes (e.g. adding hyperlinks or italicizing text to make the document more useful or readable), or any other changes that don’t have an effect on the privacy you receive from us.

We make our Privacy Policy’s revision history publicly available for your reference.

21. Who do I contact if I have questions or privacy concerns?

To ask additional questions about our privacy practices or about information that may not be covered in this document, to exercise your privileges under this policy, to report a problem, to lodge a complaint, or to get more information about the remedies available to you in the event of a privacy failure, please reach out to Winder Place’s website operator and official data and privacy protection contact:

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Revision history

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