Falling in Love with Love

I’m not exactly sure why it happened. Six years ago, I “fell in love,” as some would say. It wasn’t a sudden epiphany that struck in a singular moment. It was more of a gradual dawning over the course of a month. But by the end of that December, I was in love with Love itself. Going into New Year 2014, I knew more than anything else that I wanted “Love,” but I don’t think I had much of an idea what that even meant for sure. Whether that meant being loved myself, or learning how to better love others, I’m not sure that it really mattered to me. I just knew I wanted Love.

The following years since have been me tripping over endless discoveries, blessings, and heartaches as I have continued on this journey to “find Love.” Most of the time, though, it hasn’t been clear whether I’ve found it, or it has been finding me!

It’s been a wild ride. Here’s to the next six years of adventure. Welcome, new decade!


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