Cookie Policy

Last updated May 13, 2021

In the interest of minimizing our data footprint and creating the best experience possible, Winder Place only uses cookies that directly relate to the provision of functions requested by our users and the secure operation of our websites and online services. This means we do not use, for example, cookies that track your activity for analytics or marketing. This also means we do not have to annoy our visitors with pop-ups requesting them to allow cookies that they probably do not want.

The cookies Winder Place uses are exclusively for the proper functioning of the Winder Place websites and services. By using our websites and services, you agree to let Winder Place store these cookies on your computer and use them to provide the services and website functionality to you. We do not ask you to opt in to cookies through any kind of pop-up or other consent mechanism because the only cookies we place on your computer are limited to the basic functionality of our sites and services. We interpret your decision to access and use the sites and services as your implicit consent to the underlying technologies necessary to fully provide those sites and services to you in a usable, complete, safe, and effective manner. These underlying technologies may include cookies, local storage, and session storage.

If you would like to opt-out of cookies on Winder Place’s websites entirely, you can disable cookies in your web browser’s settings. However, many website functions may no longer operate as expected.

This list does not include cookies that will be placed on your computer if you try to access the back end of Unless you are a guest blogger, contributor, or administrator, you should never have any reason to access back end features.’s back end cookies are not governed by this policy and may be governed by separate agreements that we might have with our guest bloggers, contributors, administrators, and other content partners. The back end should never be accessed without prior authorization.

Cookies are automatically placed on your computer as website functions are used. Below is a list of these cookies that may be placed on your computer.

Cookie NameCookie DescriptionExpiration
wordpress_test_cookieThis test cookie may be used to determine whether your browser accepts cookies, which are necessary for other website functions.Expires at end of session.
simplebannerclosedThis cookie makes it possible for you to dismiss banner alerts we may display on It is a necessary part of the website’s expected functionality.Varies.
igniteup_skipThis cookie allows some users to bypass the website construction screen when invited to do so. Most users will never receive this cookie.Expires at end of session.
Local Storage and Session StorageWe may choose to store additional data on your computer necessary for the functional operation of some features.Varies.

(There are other cookies we use that are only applicable to system administrators, blog contributors, and other persons authorized or capable of accessing back end features on These cookies, whether essential or nonessential, are not listed in or governed by this policy. Persons operating in such capacities should contact Caleb Quinn if they have any questions regarding the policies by which these additional cookies are governed.)

Third-party cookies

Winder Place does not use third-party cookies on any of its websites. However, some of the websites we link to may place cookies on your computer, as governed by their own respective cookie policies or privacy policies. While we do our best to only link to reputable sources from our websites, Winder Place nevertheless does not vouch for the suitability, integrity, security, helpfulness, privacy, or legality of any such third-party websites or services.

For further questions

If you have any questions or concerns about the cookies or local storage we use, or any other privacy concern, please reach out to us at [content hidden; JavaScript is required].

For more details about our privacy practices, please read our privacy policy.