Sunset over a road
Book Signing in Cheyenne, Wyoming!
Book Signing in Cheyenne, Wyoming!

As I allow myself to be vulnerable in the most public way I have ever done to date, I am also going to be blessing myself with a new experience—and with each new experience, our old experiences are gradually rewritten, and we find reasons to be less and less afraid.

You Are Loved Is Available Now!
You Are Loved Is Available Now!

After a chapter of my life that was filled with despair, I am now walking in a new chapter that involves teetering on the edge of despair while caring for my heart at the same time, even when I don't feel Loved.

My First Book Is Being Released!
My First Book Is Being Released!

My very first book, You Are Loved, is slated for release on July 22!

Caring for Our Needs
Caring for Our Needs

I am learning that I have to draw the circle of my needs as big as possible. I need to.

Making Room for Pain
Making Room for Pain

I've had a hard battle with depression for my entire adult life. And every time I think I'm rounding a corner, my hopes are dashed.

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Welcome to Winder Place!

What if there’s more to life than what meets the eye?

What if you have a beautiful heart and you don’t know?

What if Love is a person—not a guy in the sky who wants you to live by his standards, but an Invitation in your heart who wants you to know that

you are Loved ?

Winder Place is not a publishing company as much as it is a space in my heart that I want to welcome the world into. My name is Caleb, and I am a storyteller who is finding healing for my own story as I let Love tell me his. I’m seeking ways to express this journey and to partner with others in living it out in the wider universe.

I am certain of nothing—but I want to explore what might happen if I lived my life as if Love were true. To me, Love is not just a feeling or an action, but a deeper reality that shifts our perspective on ourselves and each other. Love isn’t a set of religious rules to follow or a magical power to change the world. It’s a simple, quiet voice in the depths of our hearts that invites us to embrace the beauty and the strangeness of our lives, to accept ourselves for who we are, and to find our identity in our own hearts instead of shame. Winder Place is my way of expressing this Love to others and honoring my Heart’s Longing through stories, poetry, and art.

What does the word “winder” mean, you ask? Winder is the name of Something Strange. It’s a mystery. It is also the name of a little gray cat (who can talk, but doesn’t talk very much) in an as-of-yet unfinished story. Winder Place was so-named as a nod to the whimsy of mystery, of the unknown, of the undefined. For indeed, to define winder would be to misdefine it.

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